Hate Change?
Ellen Rothstein
Life Transition Coach
Are You Manly or Domesticated?
Is Your Relationship with Your Mother Complicated?
Friendships Between Couples – A Good Thing or Bad Thing?
Boomerang Children
Women: What Do We Seek in Midlife?
Scale of Limiting Beliefs to Manifestation
The Old Woman in the Mirror
Plan to Enjoy Aging....More Than You Thought You Would
Ageism in the Workplace
What Will Happen to Me When My Husband Retires?
New Year New You
Establishing Boundaries With My Adult Children
This Is What I Don't Plan on Doing for my Adult Children
Why Aren't You Happier?
How Do You Parent Siblings Who Different From Each Other?
How To Deal With Children Who Aren't Meeting Your Expectations
The Joys of Friendship Over 50
How My Career Shift After 40 Changed My Life
How Can I Age Unapologetically?